Hello World

Mykhailo Savchuk


Who I Am

Hi, I'm Mykhailo Savchuk, a web developer who creates innovative and functional solutions.

What I Do

I have experience in frontend and backend development using TypeScript, Vue.js, and Vite. I've built web apps like blogs, CMS, and Telegram bots, and I'm skilled in setting up environments, automation, testing, and ensuring secure, efficient applications.

I have experience with different technologies from below
  • React
  • Next
  • Vue
  • Tailwind
  • Axios
  • Nest
  • Express
  • Prisma
  • Postgress
  • Github Actions
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • AWS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Python


  • Blog

    It is a platform that allows users to create and maintain their own blogs.

    React Express SCSS GULP TypeScript

  • AnyToolLab

    This is a site that has useful tools for framing photos, generating QR codes, etc.

    Vue TypeScript Axios TensorFlow

  • ListifyBoard

    Job and real estate bulletin board.

    Next Axios Tailwind TypeScript

Working with you

If you're looking for someone to develop your next big idea, improve your current project, or consult on web technologies, don't hesitate to contact me!